Want to know how to stop grinding your teeth for good? We have some simple tips that can help you rid this evil habit. But before we dive into the solution, it’s good to know why you started.

According to a new American Psychiatric Association (APA) poll, almost 40% of Americans’ said their anxiety has increased from 2017 to 2018. Some of the common causes of this stress and anxiety link back to health, safety, and finances. It’s no surprise that a lot of Americans experience stress. The pressure families and individuals feel is more intense than ever before.

Everyone deals with stress in different ways. While some cope in healthy ways like exercising, others cope by developing poor health habits such as turning to alcohol or grinding their teeth.

While grinding your teeth may seem like a simple nuisance, it can lead to serious dental issues. Extreme cases require dentures at an early age and excessive grinding can have similar consequences. Excessive grinding can result in cracked teeth,  bone loss around the root of your teeth, or even worse, the loss of some of your teeth.

You can also experience pain in the joints around your jaw. This can cause migraines due to the exertion of your jaw muscles.

When it comes to a grinding treatment, we recommend a custom mouth guard to wear at night. This creates a buffer between your teeth to prevent damage during night grinding.

If you’ve already developed the damage don’t fret. There are many solutions to repairing your smile and preventing future tooth loss.

What Should I Do If I Already Have Damaged Teeth?

Enamel loss is also an outcome of excessive grinding. The loss of enamel is permanent and is only repairable through rebuilding your teeth. Restoration includes bonding, porcelain crowns, or veneers. Please visit our Cosmetic Dentistry page to review all service offerings for tooth restoration.

To ensure your teeth withstand future grinding trauma, we provide you the option of the best products available. Dr. Vance and his team use BruxZir Solid Zirconia. This is a monolithic zirconia crown, bridge, implant crown, fixed implant solution, inlay or onlay with no porcelain overlay.

BruxZir restorations are available for use in almost any clinical situation. They are an aesthetic alternative to cast gold and metal occlusal PFMs. BruxZir provides a stronger and more durable, solution for patients’ dental implant needs.

If recommended, Dr. Vance will create a custom mouth guard to prevent future teeth damage.

What Should I Do to Prevent Grinding?

So, how do you stop grinding your teeth for good?

If you already have tooth damage, you want to make sure you do everything to avoid making it worse. If your grinding is due to stress or anxiety, solutions exist to prevent you from continuing to grind your teeth.

Exercise: Whether you opt for a high intensity workout or a nice stroll in the park, exercising can help you relieve stress. Relieving stress can help reduce teeth grinding behavior, if it’s the leading cause.

Relax: Take the time to unwind. Try reading a good book or taking a warm bath to ease your mind.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Grinding your teeth may become more intense after consuming alcohol or caffeine. Try to skip the glass of wine at dinner or the extra cup of coffee in the evening.

Don’t chew anything besides food. Chewing on pens or other hard items can encourage your jaw muscles to clench, making you more likely for you to grind your teeth. This may also damage your teeth in the process. It’s best to steer clear of anything other than basic food products.

Avoid Chewy Foods: Foods like gum, steak, popcorn, and other tough foods can create more tension in your mouth. To ease the soreness, avoid these foods.

So, how do you stop grinding your teeth for good? Try taking care of your personal dental health and enlisting the guidance of a professional. Both, are two of the best ways to address your grinding issues. If you’re experiencing pain or have damaged your teeth due to grinding, please make an appointment to visit our office today.

Dr. Vance and his team of dental experts will give you and your family the care you deserve.